
Tuesday 30 December 2014


Those who calls for revolution will be consumed by it –Minister

Minister of Po­lice Affairs, Alhaji Jelili Adesiyan, has warned that anyone found making inflamma­tory statements capable of igniting fire in the country would be made to face the full wrath of the law, ir­respective of his status in the society.
To this end, the minister said that the Inspector Gen­eral of Police and Director General of Department of State have been told to ar­rest and prosecute anyone found wanting.

Speaking in Lagos yes­terday at the launch of Mr Yinka Odumakin’s book ‘Watching the Watcher’, the Police Affairs minister said that no one was un­touchable and that politi­cians should stop beating the drums of war.
His words: “By the grace of God, I am the Minister of Police Affairs in this Country today, and I have said and I am warning that anybody who makes inflammatory statement, who said anything that is mutinous, will be arrested and prosecuted.
“They should stop the drum of war. Anybody who calls for unholy revo­lution will be consumed by that revolution. Nigeria belongs to all of us. There is nobody that is untouch­able.
They might have done it in the past and got away with it, but let them do it now. Anybody who does it now, no matter how highly placed, will be arrested and prosecuted.
“Nigerians have seen and heard what they are saying. They are only try­ing to make up propagan­da to cow the government down, and nobody can do it. They have been in gov­ernment before. They have seized power in an unholy fashion before.
“I don’t know what re­mains for them to start ganging up and said that they want to capture pow­er on behalf of the people who power already be­longs to.
“The opposition must keep shut and watch what their utterances. In a gath­ering where you say people should go to the polling center with charms, cut­lasses, guns and the rest is mutinous. So, whoever says it henceforth would pay for it, I repeat, who­ever. This country is estab­lished by law and the law must take its course.”

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