
Tuesday 30 December 2014



A female health worker Pauline Cafferkey who returned from Sierra Leone on Sunday night has been diagnosed with Ebola.

She is currently being treated at a hospital in Glasgow. According to Jeremy Hunt, the UK Health Secretary who confirmed the news, she is isolation at Glasgow’s Gartnavel Hospital.

BBC reports that all possible contacts with the case are being investigated, including on flights to Scotland via Heathrow.

Hunt told reporters that she will be flown from Glasgow and taken to the Royal Free Hospital in north London “as soon as we possibly can.”

The hospital is also where a British nurse William Pooley who contracted the virus was treated.
Pauline Cafferkey, who flew to Glasgow via Casablanca and London Heathrow, was taken to the Royal Free Hospital.

She is understood to have been flown to RAF Northolt in an air force plane after leaving Glasgow in a convoy. Passengers on flights she took to the UK are being traced, but officials say the risk to the public is very low.

Ms Cafferkey was part of a group of up to 50 NHS healthcare workers who returned to the UK at the weekend after volunteering in Sierra Leone.

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she was "doing as well as can be expected in the circumstances".

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