
Friday 31 January 2014

Bolaji Ariyoh's War Against Oshodi-Isolo Notorious Identity Records Success Stories

Bolaji Muse-Ariyoh
Oshodi-Isolo Local Government, against the backdrop of his old notorious identity that had hindered its progress for many years, has, since the emergence of the Hon. BOLAJI MUSE-ARIYOH led Administration, become a worthy prototype for peace, development and a friendly atmosphere for commercial activities! The Chairman, a young, vibrant, dynamic and development oriented man has not only brought new ways towards advancement to  the people, but has also led the youths in the path of good behaviour and education. Bolaji Ariyoh's unique leadership which has transformed the communities under his authority significantly has continued to be a reference point in most discourse on good governance & grassroots development.
 Nonetheless, there still exist some bad eggs in the family of the new wonderful Oshodi Family who  are scheming to usher in the return of criminality and notoriety in the communities. That said, the ever proactive Chairman has vowed to use his mandate to nip bad acts in the bud. This can be attested to in his swift reaction to a rape case which was reported in the community. The leadership of the local authority was informed that at St Paul Primary School, near Makinde Police Station,  a 15 year old boy with his rascal gang tricked and forcefully raped a 12 year old girl within the school premises after which the police followed some hints and got the lead suspect while others are reported to be at large! Hon. BOLAJI MUSE-ARIYOH was immediately at the crime scene and also visited the family of the victim to commiserate with them while using the opportunity to send a strong words to the community to help in exposing the identities of the other suspects otherwise they will chased to their closest.
 He directed that adequate medical treatment be given to girl and taken into proper care heal her pains. Hon. ARIYOH later visited the nearest polic station in charge (Makinde)
to assure them of his readiness to support throughout the investigations in ensuring that all the suspects are brought to justice. Hon. Aiyoh saw the arrested main suspect and admonished the police to use every tactic to extract words from the suspect which he (Hon Ariyoh) believes will lead to arrest of the members of the evil gang. At the end of the day, Hon Ariyoh reiterated his determination to upheld his electoral manifesto to provide security, curb crimes and bring unlawful acts to the barest minimum. The case is in court as culprits would be prosecuted as soon as possible

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