
Wednesday 29 March 2017

Delta Vs United: Twitter Lets You Go To War Without Weapon (You Would Love It)

Recently, United Airlines came under significant fire as they blocked three girls from boarding a flight from Denver to Minneapolis because they were wearing leggings. The airline cited was a company rule where they state they can stop anybody from boarding who is either “barefoot or not properly clothed”. But Shannon Watts, who’s the founder of the gun control group Moms Demand Action, watched the entire exchange and was having none of it.

Following Shannon’s tweets, United Airlines tried to explain their viewpoint, even saying that the girls were boarding as a relative or a dependent of a United Airlines employee and were subject to a stricter dress code as a result. This could not however, prevent a wave of outrage from Twitter users. As if that wasn’t bad enough, their competitors in the air travel industry, Delta Airlines, couldn’t resist kicking United Airlines while they were down.In the wake of the United Airlines leggings debacle, you might be wondering what defines “inappropriate clothing” on a flight. The official Twitter account of fellow airline Delta Airlines sent out a tweet letting their customers know that as long as you’re on one of their flights, wearing leggings is A-OK.

Ouch. This cheeky tweet is made even cheekier by that wink face, which leaves you in no doubt as to which incident Delta Airlines is referring to. It’s fair to say that the subtly savage tweet went down well on Twitter, where it’s already been retweeted over 25,000 times.

Truly brutal. Delta Airlines has a similar pass available for passengers who are dependents of a Delta employee, and while it doesn’t outright ban leggings, they do “encourage” their passengers to dress appropriately.

The leggings controversy at United Airlines has taken the internet by storm, and it asks the question: are leggings appropriate in the general public? Back in late 2015, an Oklahoma teen was sent home from school for wearing leggings, a decision met with just as much derision as United Airlines’ decision last Sunday. It looks like this debate is set to rumble on.

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