
Thursday 17 November 2016


We received with rude shock, the passing of Chief Rasheed Gbadamsi, erudite industrialist, distinguished politician, intelligent arts collector and Patron/member of the Board of Trustee, Olokun Festival Foundation, Olokun Festival Foundation (OFF)

On behalf of the Olokun Festival Foundation (OFF), we commiserate with the family, friends, associates and staff of Chief Gbadamosi, who slept in the Lord on Wednesday evening in his Ikorodu residence at age 73.

We remember, with pain in our hearts, the enormous support and contributions he imparted to the growth and stability of Olokun Festival Foundation (OFF), as a vehicle formed to drive the re-oxygenation of the dying Yoruba culture and tradition. His advice towards the realisation of the noble course had been of immense value to the Foundation to date.

In 73 very eventful years, Chief Gbadamosi was able to stamp his feet solidly on the sands of time by distinguishing himself notably in nearly every relevant facets of human endeavours.

Chief Gbadamosi will be remembered as a true Yoruba leader, politician, leading industrialist, writer and arts aficionado.

As his remains would be interred today, we remember his golden touch that has left indelible and positive impacts on the entire human race. Among his strides in the business arena, Chief Gbadamosi was Chairman, Ragolis Water Ltd, AIICO Pension Managers and Lucky Fibres Nig. Ltd. He was also a former Chairman, Bank of Industry.

On the political front, he was a former Chairman, Petroleum Products Prices Regulatory Agency, a former minister and Commisioner for Establishment and Economic Development in Lagos State.

As a playwright, he authored Trees Grow in the Desert, just as he was deeply involved in creative development

His death is a huge shock to us because this is happening when we have not fully recovered from the demise of Chief Olaniwun Ajayi, another Yoruba leader. It is so painful that we are losing our leaders who have soft spot for the development of the Yorubaland

Chief Gbadamosi, a founding member of the MUSON Centre, will be deeply missed. 

On behalf of the Olokun Festival Foundation  (OFF), I pray for the repose of the soul of Chief Gbadamosi, who as they say: came, saw and conquered so resoundingly, in the race of life.

May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace


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