
Monday 8 August 2016


Niger State Governor, Alhaji  Abubakar  Sani Bello has charged the new Commissioner of Police, Mu’azu Zubair  Haliru to device new ways and ideas on how to  ensure security of lives and property  in the state.
Governor Sani Bello stated this when he  received  the new Commissioner of Police in Government House, Minna

Governor  Sani Bello said that with proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons, SALWs, used by criminal elements to perpetuate various nefarious activities  throughout the federation, it behoves on the new commissioner of police to be  proactive and vigilant to ensure that criminals are tracked before committing any crime.
“Nigeria is tackling various security challenges and Niger state is confronting it share of such security challenges. I charge you to be proactive in tackling this challenges. You  must not wait for crime to be committed before you  respond. You must proactively tackle identified  threats in the nook and crannies of the state. ”
The Governor   urged the Commissioner of Police to  partner with various stakeholders in the state such as traditional,  religious  and community leaders in maintaining  peace and orders .”
“ it is important you reach out to various stakeholders in the state to strengthen  police- community relations in various part of the state for efficient and effective policing.  As you are , Niger is a peace loving state. With your presence, you should maintain that .
He also called on the new police boss in the state to strengthen inter-agency cooperation with other security agencies in the state.
“Nigerian Police in the lead agency  and closer to the people. You should carry other security agencies along in operation and intelligence sharing. “
He  then called on various stakeholders to support Nigerian Police in  the state in discharging their constitutional responsibility of maintaining law and order.
Governor Sani Bello assured him of his administration’s support to Nigerian Police adding that peace is prerequisite to development.  
The  Commissioner, Muazu Zubair Haliru was accompanied by his predecessor , AIG, Abubakar Marafa who was promoted and posted to Zone 6, Calabar

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