
Tuesday 19 January 2016

How City Socialite Bonfere Joe Escaped Police Killing.....Raises Alarm About The Latest Scam Of Sending Fake Info To The Police

Yomi Ogunjimi (Bonfere Joe)

Sports agent and city socialite Yomi Ogunjimi 2 days ago escaped what can be termed assassination plot which could have been carried out using the police. Light skinned Yomi who is well known in lagos social circuit as "Bonfere Joe" informed Metronews that he was driving home on Sunday night when he was accosted around Ogba axis by gun cork ready policemen who flashed him down,he was immediately apprehended and taken to Area G police command.

It was at the station that the reality of his arrest dawned on him,i was informed that few moments before his arrest,someone called the Lagos Police Radio Control Room to inform them that a certain Land Rover 3 model with his own registration number is being used for armed robbery!!!.
Yomi's LR3 SUV

A shocked Yomi who by now have been assaulted by a certain police office via slaps damaging his phone and wrist watch was helpless and was forced to spend the night in police custody. It was after he was made to appear before the Area Commander that he was eventually released from Police detention but his car was still held by the police.

Ever smiling and power dresser, Yomi told Metronews that he has already briefed his lawyer and will be taking actions towards seeking redress for the assault melted on him by a policeman at Area G division and also to make police fish out the person who made the strange call that could have left him dead. "My brother,i could have been a dead man,imagine if i had refused to stop when the police flagged me down,they would have probably open fire thinking that i am actually a criminal,its so sad that we still have policemen who are uncivilised to know that a man is innocent until proven guilty,I'm alive today just by the special grace of God"

Metronews will update you on developments.

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