
Tuesday 27 October 2015


A new initiative to boost the growth of Small and Medium Enterprises and prospective entrepreneurs has been launched by HESGES Synergy Nigeria Limited, a business development and investment network that operates on a crowd funding template. According to Barr Gboyega Adetunji, managing director of the company, “The aim is to bring people of like minds together to create an unbreakable network that helps each one of them to achieve their individual goals and objectives. Basically, we create a financial pool that helps members to fulfil their dreams. What individuals cannot achieve on their own and with their resources, they will be able to achieve leveraging on the strength of the group.”

Adetunji, a successful lawyer and advocate of the Supreme Court, says however that the business model is not an investment scheme as it is known in Nigeria but a venture capital whereby subscribers with worthwhile business ideas but with no funds to execute are supported to get their ideas off their ground. “Our business at HS therefore is to bring different people together to form a network where each individual subscriber to the network will be paying a token amount every month. As a result, the network will fund any member who needs funds to execute a new business idea or grow an existing business,” he said.

“The key thing here is that we don't give subscribers the funds as a loan, but rather as a Venture Capital in which case HESGES Synergy will be a part of the business for a particular number of years dependent on the type of business. We will help form, groom, and develop the business.” He further said that the gains of individual subscribers differ. “For instance, if a subscriber pays N1, 000 every month, that sums up to N12, 000 in a year. With this, if he has a business to fund, we fund it and our level of involvement is limitless. Other gains and entitlements of subscribers include discount purchases at our stores and partner stores; an end of the year package and something to celebrate the festivities with that is worth a substantial part of the yearly subscription.”

With a vision to become the foremost single individual network brand with the most number of subscribers, and helping or impacting the highest number of people in realizing their dreams and attaining financial independence not just in Nigeria but Africa as a whole, Adetunji says HESGES Synergy is however not an alternative to banks and other financial institutions; “HS is a super-partner in progress for all categories of persons. From the unemployed graduate looking for work to the indigent entrepreneur; the market woman in need of steady supply of goods with minimal advance financial commitment to the student with the right ideas; and the shopper who craves credible and transparent discounts; HS is there to support you.”

As subscription begins in October and in order to douse any skepticism surrounding the authenticity nay transparency of the business, HESGES Synergy has got a NO OBJECTION letter to operate its crowd funding business from the Security and Exchange Commission, SEC

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