
Friday 18 September 2015

What Otunba Gani Adams Said At the Launching of OPU in Accra,Ghana

The Text of Welcome Address by Otunba (Dr.) Gani Adams, the Convener of the Oodua Progessive Union at the Launch of Republic of Ghana Chapter of Oodua Progessive Union held in Accra, Republic of Ghana on18th September, 2015.


Your Royal Highnesses, captains of commerce, community leaders, distinguished ladies and gentlemen,permit me to begin this address by refreshing  you on how this organization was formed and give you the raison d’tre (I mean the reasons) for founding the Oodua Progressive Union (OPU)

The idea to set up an organization like the Oodua Progressive Union (OPU) began sometime one night in 2013 while I was resting at the frontage of my house, and thinking about the possible ways to bring together all Yoruba irrespective of their home towns, religion, political leanings and places circumstances might have dispersed them. 

have always thought about ways of mobilizing our people and descendants for the elevation of our cultural values despite various shades of socio-cultural, economic and political groups, thoughts and opinions they belong. 

From this idea, I began to discuss with my aides, friends, associates and well-wishers.

I told them how the burning idea was on my mind, that I would like to set up an organization that would unite our people across the world, and involve them in the projection of our identity as Yoruba people. 

We thought of a name for the organization. I suggested the name Oodua Progressive Union (OPU). 

Everyone agreed with me. Then we began the organization and we started working towards its development. 

I am glad that the organization which began and grew from our shared thoughts is growing and has continued to blossom. 

Today, it may interest you to know that OPU has been established and registered in more 54 countries across the world. 

Your Royal Highnesses, captains of commerce, community leaders, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, the Oodua Progressive Union (OPU) is a non-governmental, non-political and non-religious organization that was formed with the primary objective of fostering unity among Yoruba people and provide a platform for our people (particularly outside Yorubaland) to work for the promotion of common interest of all Yoruba people. 

The OPU is established to strengthen the fabric of cohesion, unity and integration of all Yoruba people. 

Our mission therefore is to create enabling economically viable platform that promotes peace, unity and harmonious co-existence among all descendants of Oduduwa through the reawakening and strengthening of cultural and filial ties that binds us together.

Against this backdrop, the Oodua Progressive Union’s (OPU) aims and objectives include working for the political and economic liberation of all sons and daughters of Oodua throughout the world; 

creating fora where issues relating to the progress and unity of the Yoruba people irrespective can be discussed and realized; building in each country where the organization exist an Oodua House that would serve as the rallying point for all Yoruba people; 

offering assistance in any form to all Yoruba sons and daughters in their country of residence; and promoting and defending the rich cultural heritage as a basis of identity for Yoruba race in the Diaspora. 

Consequently through Oodua Progressive Union (OPU), we hope to break both physical and psychological boundaries that kept our people apart for years by reawakening and strengthening our common link to Oduduwa.

Among our peers on the continent and to a large extent throughout the world, no ethnic group have enjoyed enormous cultural visibility and patronage as the Yoruba people. 

In the press, large volumes of writings covering socio-cultural, economic and political strides and achievements of our people are published annually. 

Among ethnic groups of the world, people of Yoruba ancestry are well-dispersed. 

The dispersal of Yoruba people across the world is occasioned by waves of migration that are historically conditioned by indigenous settlements, the devilish Trans- Atlantic Slave trade and voluntary movement of our people as result of the to fester their socio-political and economic nests. 

Today, Yoruba people and their descendants are predominant in Nigeria and republics of Benin and Togo. 

We are also well established in some parts of the republic of Ghana.

Yoruba people’s presence in Ghana dates back to the earliest time when our people trade freely and interact with their neighbours without inhibition. 

In recent times, written records has however indicated that the first group of Yorubas arrived in the Gold Coast around 1813 and initially settled in such places as Accra, Kumasi and Sekondi before moving to the northern part of Gold Coast, especially Tamale, Wa, Lawra and Nandom.  

Going by this record and as shown by the celebration held in 2013, Yoruba people have lived in Ghana for over 200 years. 

During colonialism when the then Gold Coast (now Ghana) and Nigeria were under British rule, people from both countries travelled to each other countries unhindered either as traders or public servants.

As we can see, Yoruba people have maintain strong presence in Ghana for a long time. 

Our presence is evident from the contributions we continue to make to the economy of Ghana and its society. 

Today, many of our people have established businesses and their families in this country. 

Consequently, what is required of us is to strengthen the existing relationship between our people and our host communities in Ghana. 

The strengthening of these ties is one of the many reasons why this country’s chapter of Oodua Progressive Union (OPU) is launched today. 

It is therefore my belief that after today’s event relationship among our people will continue to mutually yield beneficial dividend to not only our people but our countries.

Permit me to end this address by showing our gratitude to all our guests for your continuous support for our all our programmes. 

Your presence at most of our programmes gives us reassurances that we have your backing in all that we do. Our prayer for all of you is good health and long life. 

Let me also thank members of the diplomatic corps particularly our ambassadors for their presence and support for the programme. 

We appreciate the presence of many government officials at this launch. 

It is our hope that the government will not relent in keeping its pact with our people. 

We appreciate and thank all our guests for their distinguished presence. 

We also say a big thank you to members of the fourth estate of the realm for their continuous positive reportage of our activities.  

Last but not the least on our list of appreciations is our brothers and sisters for their unrelenting commitment to Oodua Progressive Union (OPU). 

I am happy at the passion you have shown towards Yorubaland by your presence at this programme. 

Despite your busy schedule, you spared time to honour our ancestors with your presence. 

My prayer is that you will continue to prosper in all your endeavours. 

Oodua a gbe wa o! I thank you all for your attention.


Otunba (Dr) Gani Adams 

National Coordinator Oodua People’s Congress

Chief Promoter Olokun Festival Foundation

Convener Oodua Progressive Union.


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