
Wednesday 21 January 2015


Lagos State governor Babatunde Fashola yesterday described the indiscriminate pasting of campaign posters of President Goodluck Jonathan in the state without making payments to local governments and relevant agencies in charge of advertising as an act of impunity.

Fashola who spoke at the All Progressives Congress (APC) campaign held in Oworoshoki area of the state said the act of pasting posters in Lagos by the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) without recourse to the relevant agencies is unconstitutional.

“On my way to the office this morning, I saw the desperation of the president and his party. On the Third Mainland Bridge today, the president’s posters have flooded it. In the constitution, the local government has the responsibility for adverts. That is one of their sources of generating revenue. They will claim that the road belongs to the federal government. That is not the point, if you build the highway way, advertising on it belongs to the local government anywhere in Nigeria”.

Meanwhile, two people fainted when cult boys clashed in Bariga as the campaign train of APC moved into the area.

The victims said to be of various factions were knocked down supposedly with charms and attacked with knives.

The cult boys unleashed mayhem on passersby in the presence of policemen drafted to the area, stopping and dispossessing passersby of their valuables.

“LASAA already had contractual agreement with some private companies who have paid to use that place. Without applying to LASAA and respect for the existing contractual right of business in the country. He has taken over that place with his posters. Isn’t that lawlessness? Is that the kind of leader that should rule the country.”

Fashola said the state government has spent N51 billion on Federal Roads in Lagos state, adding that the state government has been funding repairs of expansion joints in the state and had so far about 33 expansion joints.

He said Nigeria remains the only OPEC country that is importing fuel while others are refining locally, saying the main issue is not about paltry reduction in the price of petroleum but building refinery.

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