
Thursday 18 September 2014

Forerunners Group declares support for Jonathan re-election

Babatunde Oralusi
A group of independent actors promoting responsible government in Nigeria working through traditional institutions and public diplomacy with current focus on South Western Nigeria and international community today declares support for President Goodluck Jonathan’s re-election.
The Forerunners Group envisions a Nigeria in which a universal commitment to the well-being of all its people is fuelled by successful national movements for political and social justice. The group recognizes that change is successful only in a community self-participatory approach. 

Forerunners Group identifies with the unprecedented success of the Goodluck Jonathan administration in good governance by enthroning credible democracy demonstrated in the successful conduct of recent Ekiti and Osun States elections.
The group observes that the spirit of social and political tolerance is finally being entrenched into Nigeria polity. This is a timely guide towards positive social-political and economic direction desired in the best interest of the Nigerian society.
The group gives serious consideration to all candidates declaring interest in the Presidency in the forth-coming Presidential election in February 2015 and finds Goodluck Jonathan the most credible and qualified candidate to occupy the position. The group considers that giving Goodluck Jonathan another opportunity in office will stabilize the economy and the social system. Forerunners Group therefore declares total support for President Jonathan’s re-election to further strengthen and continue the work.  
Looking at the national security, the group analyses that the Boko haram insurgency is a global crises considering the activities of extremists and religious fundamentalists in different countries all over the world, for example Isis in Iraq and Syria, Taliban in Afghanistan,  Al-qaeda in Pakistan and other terrorist groups in Egypt, Central Africa, Somalia, Sudan and Libya. According to the group, the Isis has executed many Westerners costing the Western world, especially America and Europe, a huge fortune to stop insurgency all over the world. It observes that insurgency was never part of Nigeria thereby requires time to provide a permanent solution, more so when it is being politically promoted for selfish agenda. 
The group promises to work with traditional institutions and international community to promote good governance and sustainable development in Nigeria. It advises Goodluck Jonathan to seek re-election for a second term to consolidate his work in the last four years in office.

The group also announces its plan to hold a summit on the role of traditional institutions in good governance and social justice in November 2014, said Babatunde Oralusi, the group’s Director General.  

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