
Monday 25 August 2014

Ogun State Students List Amosun's Sins Against Education


Combatant greetings to all our ever-rugged Nigerian Students who have
stood with the titanic struggle to this perilous junction at which we
now find ourselves; thank you. We feel sympathies for those of our
comrades (S.U.G. presidents and stakeholders) who sold out their
birthrights because of the N150 000 token offered by those State
politicians who continue to derive joy in the continual divisions
within students' bodies. And we pitch our tent of solidarity with the
ever-gallant OOUITES agitating for reasonable reduction of tuition
fees, and the immediate implementation of the longtime pledge of our
dear Governor.

We had peacefully marched down to Oke-Mosan to air our plight, when
hired thugs attacked us. Yet we pressed forward, as disciplined
soldiers would, afraid of nothing and trusting the maturity of our
Governor to recognise and respect the sacrosanctity of peaceful
demonstrations, particularly in a democratic dispensation, when
policemen tear-gassed us, and rather ridiculously too. Yet we remained
firm and focussed, and still do; even now that the ultimatum given to
the State Government has lapsed.

We were yet patiently and amicably awaiting the coming-to-reason of Mr
Governor when he ordered the lockdown of OOU. Curious as to the
rationale behind this, we sought out explanations and found out until
the unwarranted lockdown is to maintain peace and order when Mr
Governor could no longer meet up with our demand as he had earlier
promised. Alas!

Your Excellency,
Things are this good, and this bad, not because we are sponsored hands
against your success in the State House, as you must have been told by
(some of) those around you; things are the way they are because (some
of) your aides are hiding facts from you, are busy wreaking havoc with
the tentative power they derive from your government, and are
unabashedly throwing reason and sanity to the winds, all in the name
of serving you, and faithlessly indeed.

We had made several complaints to appropriate quarters, only for them
to label and libel us as anti-government. Yet whenever we challenge
them on their responsibility to the student populace, they manipulate
and upturn issues, and end up giving bribes to major stakeholders,
stuff their mouths with wads of naira notes, and make them sing high
praises of jobs not done.

It was in such a situation that some Comrades sold themselves cheap
and shamelessly called our last peaceful protest of over 3 000
students a political rally because of what they wanted to eat or had
stuffed down their throats, because of what they had been promised,
because of what had changed hands or changed accounts. And I am sure
someone of your eruditeness surely understands, Your Excellency.

None is good, none is bad, but posterity will judge us all,
judiciously. Listed are the harm done to Education and Student
Unionism during your time:

1* The scrapping of S.U.G.s and their replacement with caretakers e.g.
Gateway Poly Saapade, Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic Ijebu-Igbo, TASCE
2* Sponsorship of factions in NANS: Your regime empowered political
stooges with ALUTA BUS who are not even qualified to contest the
election of NANS. And in spite of all the facts and figures we
presented you with, and notwithstanding the intervention of NANS
NATIONAL who declared us as authentic, your administration yet turns a
deaf ear to the words of wisdom.
3* Under this administration of yours we have lost three (3) of our
finest Comrades whose blood you shall account for one day, not too far
away in the future:
i* Olatunji Fashina Humble TJ who was frustrated to death by your
callous pronouncement of the end of TASUED on the 14th of February,
Ii* Arosomasodun Rasak, who just last year, was killed by policemen at
TASCE during a protest, based on your orders.
Iii* Com. Yempes of A.A.P, who barely a week ago, lost his life in a
fatal accident in relation to the N150 000 bribe you gave to some
S.U.G. (poor) boys turned drunkards, especially the driver who is a
rusticated student of AAP.
4* Sending over 5 000 students of OOU on academic extinction due to
your Repetition of Session Policy.
5* Sending over 3 000 students of MAPOLY on academic migration (from
full time to part time) because of late payment of tuition fees.
6* Giving over 2 500 TASUEDites automatic extra year due to your No
tuition, No exams Policy.
7* Palpable victimisation and oppression of student leaders on various
campuses in Ogun State continues on your watch.
8* Astronomical increments in tuition fees have not been reversed,
even as this Release goes to press.
9* No single Infrastructural facility has been added to any
institution in Ogun State. If this is contestable, sir, mention them!
Ijebu-Igbo, or others.
10* Payment of N10 000 compulsory tax by all new intake on our
campuses is repugnant.

Mr Governor, Sir,
Our stand is non-negotiable. Every man has a price but not all men are
for sale; our right is our right and will always be our right- Reduce
O.O.U. tuition fees reasonably and call for the immediate
implementation thereof!.

No retreat, No Surrender. The end is always the beginning. And we
shall overcome, this time too.

Yours in the Struggle,
Falola Ahmed O.
BB: 288c8410

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