
Tuesday 19 August 2014

OGUN SCHOOL FEES PALAVA: Students Union Reads Riot Act To Governor Amosun

Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State.

"History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamour of the bad people but the appaling silence of the good people" Martin Luther King Jnr

Our sincere appreciation goes to God, who remains the only essence of our existence, and of course, the number one commander of all Aluta forces in the world, even from ages past. All our positive yielding efforts can not be credited to our power nor our might, but through the overwhelming support of fellow oouites. We appreciate our even dogged and even rugged oouites for your inestimable sense of responsibility since the inception of this responsive and responsible administration. More so, for the courageous, vibrant, active and bravery roles played towards the noble struggle, 'bring down our fees' we could not have achieved this much without you.

This administration from the 5th of March, 2014 has continued to take as prime importance, the welfare and wellbeing of all oouites, especially in the areas of academics and hitch-free transportation system. Of course, we are even committed and prepared to defend your interest, with all our strengths, and knowledge, but without timidity, fear of favour.
The student's Union Government, OOU has stated it implicitly and explicitly to the State Government, our demands and which we believe are not even to be requested for before they are attended to in a sane geographical entity. Our demands ab-initio has been; reduction in tuition fees, proper funding of the University, completion of the hostels or return to the school management.
Based on the undeniable fact, that this present administration under the leadership of com. Ifade Olusegun Socialist, is a conglomerate of intellectuals and highly tactical members of executives, who approach issues, especially a sensitive one like the bring down our fees campaign, with proper and meticulous system, we've made the state government had their fill. After a wide consultative measure taken, several letters circulated to appropriate quarters, there was no response, let alone, a positive response, then we declared a 2 day lecture boy-cott in order to register with the state government how displeased our students have been as a result of the astronomical fees payable by our students. These moves and several were not yielding meaningful result, and so we gave the government a 7 day ultimatum to either address our students (oouites) issues or we embark on a protest. The motion to embark on a protest after the expiration of the ultimatum was moved and supported unanimously in the General Assembly of the students, held on the 9th of August, 2014. On Tuesday, 12th of August, 2014, the state Government announced a reduction in tuition fees of all institutions, in the state, and that it shall take effect from next academic session, 2014/2015. Though, here in OOU, we can not claim not to be aware or carried along in the negotiation which preceded the declaration of reduction in tuition fees of all institutions in the state. But it needs to be stressed that the President has not been properly carried along in the negotiation. More so, apart from the undeniable fact that OOU is the premier university of the State, OOU is a peculiar institution and consequently must be treated uniquely. It is the only institution in the state paying as much as over 300, 000 per academic session, and so, a general reduction will not meaningfully have an effect in OOU.
In our solidarity movement to ensure that the state government hearken to the yearnings of our students, we embarked on a peaceful mass protest on Thursday, 14th of August, 2014 to Oke-Imosan, Abeokuta. Over 2,000 students, occupied the front of the Ogun State Governor's Office to meet with the Governor, but unfortunately, he could not meet us, as it was alleged that he was out of the state for a crucial meeting. In his stead, the Commissioner for Education, Bar. Segun Odubela and the Deputy Speaker of the House, Mr Tola Banjo came one after the other to address the students, but we insisted on not giving them the audience as the only person to address the situation on ground is Mr Governor. When it all appears the Governor was not ready to meet the students, we then took to Iwe-Iroyin for press-briefing. However, it was unfortunate to note that some 'sponsored' students from Mapoly had to unlawfully attacked some of our students and carted away with their phones and valuables. Two of our students that were seriously injured are; com. Omo-Akin of faculty of sms and Omolade. They were consequently taken to Federal Medical Centre, Idi-Aba for medical treatment, while others who sustained minor injuries took to first-aid treatment. From our investigation, one of the students who unleashed the attack was found with his school identity card, with the name; Jogunosimi Muhammed: meanwhile, for security reasons our students marched down to Isabo, The female students had their nap at CDHR Ogun State secretariat, adjacent Rev. Kuti school, where the male students relaxed till the next day. The next day, as early as 06:35 am, our students had continued with the protest, heading straight to Oke-Imosun before they were stopped at Kuto market by the police men. Meanwhile the president and his team had gone to the Director of S.S.S. Ogun State to have a security meeting with the state commissioner of Police. The meeting was however suspended as the president and his team had to rush back to the students in order to calm them down and enable the success of the security meeting. It took serious appeal before the students agreed to maintain a single lane at the front of the M.K.O stadium in Kuto, while the meeting continued. It was in the meeting we received the information that out students had been tear-gassed by the policemen and as well arrested the union Vice-president, com. Seliat Ogunbiyi together with other students. Right in the meeting, the Union president, com. Ifade Olusegun ordered the commissioner of Police to order the release of out arrested students with immediate alacrity if the meeting was to continue. The Union leaders and his team found no reason in being in the meeting since our students have been dispersed, which was not part of the promise made. We had to take to the streets and near by market calling out our students to get back on track, and of course, to give them first aid attention. While all these were on going, the Governor beckoned on the President and his executives for meeting. From the meeting, we could deduce that obviously, the Governor was not properly briefed as he made it known that he was unaware of the fact that O.O.U is still at the early stage of 2013/2014 academic session, and so, he mandated the existing committee to critically look into the matter within one week. After this, the Union President requested that it is important for the Governor to directly and publicly say this to the students, and so, he headed to Kuto, but on getting there, he addressed them. The Governor once again said it to the students that the committee will look into it and he will get back to us within one week, which is to last till Monday, 25th of August, 2014. The Governor also used the medium to present a Bus to the students Union Government, which he did the same for other Union leaders present and students disembarked to their various campuses.
Apart from the different media outfits present to monitor and televised our 2 days protest, we have had several press briefing to address the matter. Moreover, the presence of the Union President and the Public Relations Officer at Silverbird Television on Monday has as well served as a good platform to update the Public(s) on our stand and to debunk the propaganda claimed that our struggle has been politically motivated.
The Students’ Union Government has received influx of complaints regarding the sudden increase in tuition fees from our Students’ profiles. Oouites should be rest assured that we are already looking into this critically, and shall get back to you soonest.
* Should the Governor/Government fail to act as promised on or before the spate of one week as demanded, we shall embark on the protest, but this time with a mega attendance.
* Owning to the anti-oouites role played by Com. Okiki, the factionalized Nans Ogun axis, and com. Osas, the suspended Tasued union President, OOU SUG hereby declare them non-grata and vehemently warns that they stay away from any of OOU campuses until they do the needful.
*Mapoly Union President and his welfare officer have also been declared non-grata for going to NTA to impersonate themselves as OOU students.
*We strongly demand the removal of the S.A to the Governor on students Affairs, for his immature way of handling issues, more so as the alleged master minder of the attack on our students, as this action was in tandem with his threat on the 25th of July,2014 when he visited our campus.
*We call on Ogun State S.S.S and the state Commissioner of Police to with immediate alacrity, declare Jogunosimi Muhammed, a student Of Mapoly who was one of those who carried out the mayhem on our students, wanted. We believe that getting hold of him will assist in getting his co-hort and serve s as deterrent to others.
Mean while, as regards the Bus donated by the Governor to students' union movement, either a Greek gift or not, the public and oouites should note that our acceptance of it was to refute the propaganda by some unscrupulous element that our move was politically motivated. More so, as erroneously claimed by Henry Adetona, chairman of Education Access Project, that we are not students, then it should question their rationality why the Governor would have presented the Bus to us, if in actual fact, we are not students. Importantly, if the Government refuses to implements our request, then the Bus will be added to other Buses to convey our students back to Oke- Imosan
Dearest oouites, your perseverance and fore bearance from the inception of this struggle has been highly commendable, and so, we passionately implore you not to be weary, sick and tired at this historical juncture, because in the face of obnoxious and outrageous tuition fees, Oouites shall be victorious.
*More reduction in tuition fee that is in proportion with the economic reality of the country.
*Immediate implementation of the reduction.
*Proper funding of the University.
*Completion of the Hostel or total hand over to the school management.
*Non-victimization of any student and students' leaders.

Aluta Continua! Victoria Ascerta!

Com. Ifade Olusegun Socialist

Com. Bamgbopa Olawale Walerio
Public Relations Officer

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