
Friday 29 August 2014

NDLEA Warns Security Officers Aagainst Illicit Drugs Consumption

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) on Tuesday warned security officers in the state against consuming banned substances and hard drugs.

The Principal Staff Officer (PSO), Drug Demand Reduction Unit of the agency in Ekiti, Mr Peter Njoku, gave the warning at a seminar organised for Nigeria Immigration Officers and Federal Road Safety Corps in the state.

He said some of the factors which normally led to unlawful assault by security agents on people are mostly caused by illicit drugs taken by the officers on duty.

NJoku said apart from assault, regular intake of banned drugs could result to brain damage as well as affecting the job performance of the officers who indulge in such acts.

He advised security officers of the various agencies to be self disciplined and avoid patronising restaurants and joints where people smoke Indian hemp or take drugs like cocaine and tramadol, among others.

Njoku warned them to avoid friends that were addicted to drugs in order not to jeopardise their active performance in their offices.

He advised them to engage in recreational and religious activities to keep themselves busy during their leisure time instead of indulging consumption harmful substances.

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