
Sunday 16 March 2014

Gani Adams Speaks On Eledumare Festival



  Members of the Olokun Festival Foundation,
  organisers of today's event                                         
  Other distinguished members of the high table                                   
  Gentlemen of the press                       

Today is another day that the Supreme Being, Eledumare has made and we are glad as we rejoice in it. Permit me to therefore give all the thanks and adoration to Eledumare, the indisputable creator, the author and finisher of our lives.

Without Him, we are nothing, but with Him, we are something. He is the one that makes today's gathering a possibility.

To this effect, we are bound, as obedient children to reference Him in all our doings.
 He is our all sufficient creator. IBA RE ELEDUMARE!                                                             
 We are gathered here once again  just as we started the journey three years ago, to celebrate the Eledumare, the Supreme God.

This is a thoughtful and wonderful package put together by the Olokun Festival Foundation, a pro-Yoruba socio-cultural, tradition and values promoting organisation in honour of our creator.

The set objective of the Olokun Festival Foundation is to reawaken the consciousness of the Yoruba race to the lacklustre attitude of the Kaaro
Oojiire to the preservation and nurturing of our moral values and tradition.

We have collectively threw our values into the winds while we consciously look bared face unto the gods, which from cradle chatted the way for the liberation of the Yoruba race and more so, left a legacy that has today been our centre of pride and at the same time the envy of others.

As a race, we have maintained the lead as pace setters. We have been blazing the trail while others tail the blaze.

We need to appreciate ourselves, our values, rich cultural heritage, tradition, food and dress style. And these are what the Olokun Festival Foundation is set to achieve.                                   
The Eledumare Festival is the biggest in the line of our annual events.
 It is a 21 day event-packed festival that is carefully mapped out to give due reverence to our creator.

The management of Olokun Festival Foundation had put heads together to brainstorm on this event and I promise you all that this year's event is a unique one loaded with entertainment, informative and series of other activities aimed at educating the race as well as other tribe on the richness of our culture.

Let it be on record that we are the first cultural based organisation to celebrate the Supreme creator in the world history.

We have distinguished ourselves as genuine Omoluabi by retracing our steps to our creator and giving Him his due as the ultimate being, without whom our existence would be a mere mirage.

Our resolution is to place the Eledumare Festival on the world map.
As customary of Olokun Festival Foundation, we plan to showcase a beauty pageant to be christened Miss World Pride in honour of the Eledumare Festival.

To arrive at this, several meetings and consultations have been held. We have resolved at the end to make the Miss World Pride Beauty Pageant the mother of all our beauty pageants.

In this category, every culture across the world shall be showcased and promoted.

This is going to be all encompassing and time and money consuming. This is responsible for the shifting of the date from April when it was earlier fixed to June or July this year to allow for adequate and proper planning.

I assure you all that the actual date for the ephocal event shall be duly communicated when it is finally fixed.

Generally speaking, our aim is to upgrade the Eledumare Festival to a global standard, a pride to all and a window to several untapped opportunities surrounding us in the world of tourism and entertainment. Nature has been kind to us through the benevolence of Eledumare, therefore, there is no amount of energy and fund committed to this drive that will be too much.

All these we shall do to appreciate the Eledumare who make all things possible for us.

The 21 day event slated for this year celebration has kicked off on the 11th of March and will climax on the 31st of March with a grand finale in Lagos.

 I seize this opportunity to reach out to the Oduduwa descendants across the world to join us as we celebrate our Supreme Eledumare and paying due obeisance to Him.
 Eledumare koni fiwa sile o!                                                   

 I also have to commend members of the pen profession for your support over the years. You play a very major role in the society.

Without you, the world becomes uninteresting and activities will be mere boredom. You are wonderful allies in our endeavours.
We appreciate you.                                 

Finally, I appreciate the leaders of Oodua people’s Congress, Members of Olokun Festival Foundation, all invited guests present here ,together we shall restore our pride and re-oxygenate the dying spirits of our gods.

Eledumare a fun wa se. Aku odun o!

Otunba (Dr) Gani Adams
Chief Promoter,
 Olokun Festival Foundation.

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