
Saturday 26 October 2013

Delta Launches Climate Change Policy And Plan

Delta State Government on Thursday launched its Climate Change Policy and Integrated Territorial Climate Change Plan, making history as the first State in the country to develop its own climate change policy and programme.

The epoch making event which held at the Government House, Asaba was attended by officials of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Edo, Lagos States among others.

Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan, the State Governor, while launching the climate change policy and plan informed, "It is noteworthy that Delta State is the first State in the Federation to develop her own climate change policy and programme.

"We have therefore invited some States to learn from our readiness and responses in developing a low carbon and climate resilient economy and to promote exchange of ideas and synergy in climate change issues in Nigeria."

Uduaghan, who was represented by his Deputy, Prof. Amos Utuama, added that the policy document would eventually be submitted to the Delta State House of Assembly to be passed into the Delta State Climate Change Law.

He noted: "Climate change has become a daunting environmental challenge facing the world today and it can no longer be ignored as its deleterious effects are beginning to manifest.

"The State Government is collaborating with General Energy, the International Chambers of Commerce, Paris, and the International Energy Agency to explore opportunities for renewable options to drive our energy needs. We are also collaborating with UNDP on the programme tagged: Territorial Approach to Climate Change, TACC.

"The aim of this programme is to reduce vulnerability of our local communities to anticipate impart of climate change and develop a low carbon and climate resilient economy."

Uduaghan disclosed that Delta State is a founding member of R20, an international organisation of sub-national governments, NGOs, corporations and educational institutions across the world which are committed to combating climate change.

He explained that the State Government's leading role in climate change was due to the coastal nature of the state, which makes it highly vulnerable to the impact of the phenomenon.

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