
Wednesday 25 September 2013


We, the members of the Egbe Odo Omo Odua, have watched with distressing silence and numbing bewilderment happenings in Ekiti State in recent times especially as electioneering towards the next governorship elections heats up.
The events of last week when anti-riot policemen, acting on the whims of the state governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, preventedHonourable Opeyemi Bamidele from holding a peaceful rally in Ado Ekiti, the state capital, are to say the least, undemocratic and obnoxious. This is a clear breach of Honourable Bamidele’s fundamental human rights. And it smacks of ingrained intolerance, mindless oppression and sheer disregard for his legitimate aspirations to offer better governance for the good people of Ekiti State if elected.
Dr Fayemi, you are not running a fiefdom; this is a democracy. As an association of informed youths of Yorubaland, we are especially worried considering your robust education and exposure. Alas, your actions and inactions suggest that no matter how highly placed, the inherent intolerance and inferiority complex in a man would always override his sense of reasoning.
To say the least, we are disappointed in your deliberate descent into anarchism and oppression of your supposed enemies using the security apparatuses of the state. Unfortunately, you are your own enemy; worsened by your below par performance in office, not the gentleman that you have been hounding all over the state. If you were a serious governor, you would let your performance speak for you. Instead, you are chasing shadows. And we fear for what might be your political end if you continued on this infamous and destructive path.

Tobi olushuyi

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