
Thursday 4 July 2013


Love him or loathe him, Pastor Iretiola Ajanaku has a cult following among his congregation. On a daily basis, his Ipaja, Lagos church receives hundreds of new converts from far and near seeking healing and spiritual deliverance. The growing list of his patrons and devotees is not only intimidating but intriguing; these personalities seek spiritual deliverance in the church tucked in far flung Ipaja.
Following E24-7Magazine's exclusive interview with the cleric after  the departure of top Gospel singer, Tope Alabi, believed to be her 'daughter' from the church, readers inundated our office with questions that bothered on the life, look and perceived mysteries surrounding the pastor.   In response to their demands, BIODUN KUPOLUYI returned to the vineyard of the prophet and probed him on many issues bogging down the minds of millions of people. Definitely, not one to be caught unawares, Ajanaku responded and revealed more and more.
Your fair complexion look has caused many people to think you are applying a bleaching cream to look like this, could that be true?
If you know me two, three or four years ago you will see that I'm fair in complexion and I have so many hair that covers my face and every time I tried to remove it, it grows back. If I removed it today, it will grow tomorrow or next tomorrow but you know there are certain things that can't be easy for human beings to understand.  God is greater than  any story that is why we call him mystery that is why there is no story that is greater than God  and that is why academically, we call men handsome  but because  God is very great,  we now call him Awesome, that is,  beyond human understanding,. The whole church knows and they normally buy soaps for me, it is the church that buys the soap, the soap is Rhome and it is atoilet soap.  If anybody really wants to understand Pastor Ajanaku let them come closer to me. I have never by any reason eaten  in anybody's  presence  in my life and  when I'm  eating  only my wife and my children can  see me.  Nobody has ever seen me open my mouth to eat in the public.  Even before my marriage nobody has ever seen me put food into my mouth, so what will people say about that?
Can you clear the air on the claim by Tope Alabi that she actually met you six years ago?
Go through that picture that was 11 years ago that she came to the church crying that since she married she had no child. I told her that by the grace of God when we shall be holding another anniversary she will come and dedicate her child before God. That's the picture, and others when they brought the baby, christened Deborah for dedication. There are many things concerning her and the husband that I will not tell anyone, never, never. If she had not said that she met me only six years ago,   I would not have called you to show you all these pictures. And if I say what God has used me to do in their lives, with proofs and medical tests records in their hands, they will be ashamed of themselves.
But I will like you to share it with us to put the records straight?
I'm wondering if she's being foolish or just stupid. I remember when she was putting pressure on me to have sex with her. She did not hide her urge to have sexual relationship with me. At a point she could not control her urge to do that but I declined, I said never, not me. Ask these people here.  (In chorus, the members seated confirmed his claim).
But there were insinuations that you fathered the same child, could it be true?
I can never be involved in such a dirty act. Hen, what do we call that? Where is that written in the Bible? Is it in Habbakuk or where in the Bible is that written? Where do we start the foreplay? I have survived many beautiful women here in this house and I have never had anything sexual with them but attended to their needs. Besides there are young girls around if one actually wanted to have such a relationship that is for those who wanted to do that.  Why go to a grandma? She went as far as begging people to convince me to have sex with her but not me in the name of Jesus.
Can you recall the event that led to the anointing of another gospel star, Ifemide, in the church?
 “It was during the December 31, 2012 service and I asked all the artistes in the church to come out, everyone who identified himself or herself as an artiste came out but Tope did not, she stayed back and I went into prayers and  I pronounced that 'Today somebody will sit down, somebody will stand up.” I have never met the young girl before.
As the controversy rages, more startling revelation come to fore. Soji Alabi, husband of star gospel singer and her producer dismissed all the claims by Pastor Iretiola Ajanaku saying he trusts his wife and his love for her and their marriage cannot be broken  
The revelation that your wife wanted sex with Pastor Ajanaku is weighty and don't you think it can affect your marriage?
There is nothing that the man can do to destroy my marriage, all what he is saying are lies. 
You seem to have that confidence in your wife that she could not do such?
I know my wife, I know now the kind of person she is. I have known her for about 15 years now even before we eventually got married. We knew each other since 1995 and got married in 2000. I know her very well. 
But what do you think could have made Pastor Ajanaku to reveal all these if they were not true?  What does he  want to achieve?
You see I don't want to answer him again because you can't just be contending with such a person, a person that believes that because you are famous he has to destroy your ministry, if he is the person that have power and gave you the anointing and he wants to collect, he should collect it from the person and now that he does not have the power to collect that means that what the person possesses is God's gift.  He thinks that if he goes to the media he can destroy the person. Let him do whatever he wants to do
Have you ever suspected any amorous relationship between him and your wife?
There is nothing between them; you see my wife is somebody that fears God, you know her that she might be playful if she sees you now, she might play with you, laugh with you but she is a person that fears God very well, she is somebody I respect so much, even as her husband, I respect her for those values so much. Even the children know she is a God-fearing woman.  There is nobody that can say any negative thing that will make me change my mind against her because I know the person I got married to.
You mean the claim by Pastor Ajanaku and some members of the church that she said even if she gets to heaven she will plead with God to have sex with him before judgment is false?
All what they are saying is from the pit of hell. If someone possesses the spirit of God will he be talking like that?
But have you ever had any reason to doubt the paternity of any of the children in your home?         
There is nothing they can say that I can reply them again, all what they are saying is from the pit of hell.
source E24-7

1 comment:

  1. immediately i saw the head-line, i say to myself that it's a lie. it is a statement from someone who wants something he can not get from Tope and the only way to get back at her is to destroy her ministry. Tope, you will forever be loved regardless of whatever they say about you, your songs always gives me goose bumps you are truly anointed even my sister(Ayo Balogun)that you are both in the same industry attest to that. No weapon fashion against you shall prosper in the name that is above all names. keep smiling, God is on your side
